Dev Logs

Daily Exploration Refreshes

Posted 2 weeks and 1 day ago :: Last edited 1 week and 6 days ago by AnimatedCritter

While daily explorations are scheduled to refresh at 6AM CST, there appears to be a bug that occasionally doesn't allow this refresh to run. We are looking into the issue, but if explorations do not refresh on schedule, you can expect a manual refresh to be performed around 9~10AM CST for the duration of the Ether Hunt event.

We will update and bump this post when the problem has been resolved.

Additionally, to compensate for any issues, we are extending Sweetheart Summit explorations to be accessible until March 19th.

Happy exploring!

February Updates

Posted 1 month and 2 weeks ago :: Last edited 2 weeks and 6 days ago by AnimatedCritter
prompt & event development

Ether Hunt // Working on a few more items, but otherwise ready for launch February 12th. c:

March Rollover // Not started.

Rainfall Festival // Planning.

Storylines // Storyline prompts are still on hold.


Current Project:

We are working to upgrade our website to Lorkeeper V3.  While we're about 60% done integrating the changes, we'll need to complete extensive bug testing before publishing the upgrade to the live website. We do not currently have an estimate for when the changes will be published.

Holiday Shoppe

We've updated how we handle the Holiday Shoppe. Our holidays previously used one "Holiday Shoppe" location, but they have since been seperated. Visually and functionally, users should see no change, except:

    • Encyclopedia entry "availabilty" sections state which Holiday Shoppe an item is purchasable from.
    • Each Holiday Shoppe now has it's own URL.
      • For example, links to the Rainfall Festival Shoppe, while links the Ether Hunt Shoppe.

Bug Fixes:

  • Purchasing items from a shop granted users double the requested amount.

New Pages:

  • Glacier Port: a trade town between the Northern Island and Central Shores.
  • Farport: a small, frigid trade town of the Northern Island.
  • Sweetheart Summit: home to the glory, beasts, and mystery.


  • Revisited Community Characters' profiles and updated their lore.
  • Added personality adjectives to all Community Character profiles.
  • Added residency locations to all Community Character profiles


  • Added links to the Pokey Smoke species page.
  • Reworded Pokey Smoke and aqualox species pages.
  • Created an "Agriculture" item category for all seed- and egg-type items

We're Back!

Posted 3 months and 1 day ago :: Last edited 3 months and 1 day ago by AnimatedCritter

Hello, hello again!

AnimatedCritter here to let you know we'll be back in time for our annual Crystalfall Celebration! Here's the rundown of the schedule:

December 2nd (Today!)

December Poco Discovery and Activity Corner return.

December 18th

Last year's Crystalfall Celebration prompts return.

A new raffle design will be released.

December 26th

A special activity will be released, although it will close on the last day of the month, so keep an eye out... c; More information will be available in a newspost on the twenty-sixth.

January 2nd

Poco Discovery and Activity Corner refresh for January.

January 7th

Palace will open the Crystalfall Holiday Shoppe, where you can spend your hard-earned Fortune Tokens from prompting.

January 14th

Our 2024 Crystalfall Celebration concludes! The Holiday Shoppe will remain open for another week.

January 22nd

The Holiday Shoppe closes.


Posted 4 months and 3 weeks ago :: Last edited 4 months and 2 weeks ago by AnimatedCritter


Due to some real-life events, I am taking a short break from developing the ARPG.

All activities will remain (shops, prompts, MYO submissions, etc.), and we will still be addressing questions and reports, but nothing new will be published during the break. This includes prompts that require a manual rollover and our Halloween Event, All-Fright's End, which has been canceled for 2024.

I’m unsure of the specific date, but we will return in December or January at the latest.

Thank you.

Delay in Today's Post

Posted 5 months and 1 week ago :: Last edited 5 months and 1 week ago by AnimatedCritter

Surprise! Someone *cough* yours truly *cough* was a little overzealous for today's Smokesignals chapter, so there's been a delay.

What would have been today's chapter and it's newpost will be released tomorrow at noon.

As a thank you for your patience, there's a free Pocket Watch item that can be claimed over in the General Store, and those of you who like to peruse the site may have noticed some new information was published on the Playable Species page. c;

Again, thank you for all of your patience and support! See you in tomorrow's newspost.

March Updates

Posted 1 year and 2 months ago :: Last edited 11 months and 3 weeks ago by AnimatedCritter
prompt & event development

Rainfall Festival // Progress is beginning.

Storylines // New storyline prompts are still on hold.

Website development

User-Owned Pets

We have improved how users can manage and customize their pet-type items. This includes stacking the same-type pets so user inventories are less cluttered and updating the layout to allow for mass-customization of your pets. No longer will you need to go to each individual pet to name them or attatch them to a Safiran!

Shelter Surrenders

When submitting a Safiran to the Shelter, users are only able to see the Safiran's name and masterlist number. To mitigate the risk of surrending the incorrect Safiran, the image of the selected Safiran will now display next to the selected Safiran.

Bug Fixes

  • Selecting "Clear" on the Currency Grant notification category now clears only Currency Grants, as opposed to formerly deleting all notifications.

Minor Changes

  • The Completed Raffle List will be ordered by most recent instead of oldest.
  • Spacing has been added above the bottom page selector on the User Index.
  • Increased spacing between trade status icon and removed hyperlink from species name on the Masterlist browsing page.
  • (Admin-Side) Mitigated the chance of early publishing of sales posts.

[Concluded] Site Maintenance Tonight

Posted 11 months and 3 weeks ago :: Last edited 11 months and 3 weeks ago by AnimatedCritter

The site is scheduled for maintenance around midnight tonight, CST. There may be periods of downtime during the following ~30 minute window, but maintenance should be concluded after 12:30 CST.

New Year, New Updates!

Posted 1 year and 2 months ago :: Last edited 1 year and 2 months ago by AnimatedCritter
Poco discovery

Poco Discovery, one of our monthly prompts, has been revamped! Now, instead of allowing users to draw any poco to receive a random poco in return, Poco Discovery features one specific poco every month that users can draw to receive as a guaranteed reward. With this update, Poco Discovery will refresh alongside Activity Corner,  closing on the last day of the month and reopening on the second day of the following month.

January's Poco Discovery is already available, featuring a Hypnotic Poco as this month's reward.

Official Account

As of recently, Safira Island not only has an official world, but also an official account! is the account used to hold the profiles of Safirans that do not belong to any one specific user. This encompasses not only our community characters and NPCs, but also all Shelter Safirans who had a profile before being surrendered to the Shelter.

If you surrender a Safiran to the Shelter, and they have an external profile, we now ask that they be sent to  (This can be done at any point during the surrender process.) If you do not have a account and/or your surrendered Safiran does not have a profile, this update does not affect you and no further action is required.

If you would like to link an NPC to an image/literature you've published on, or send a link request of a personal Safiran to an NPC, all users are welcome to do so! Please remember to adhere to Safira Island's Community Guidelines when linking works to the official Safira Island

prompt & event development

Lunar New Year // As a reminder, our Lunar New Year flash prompt will be returning on February 10th. We are currently concluding the sketching phase for the prompt's rewards. Progress is on track.

Ether Hunt // Ether Hunt is scheduled to return on February 12th. We have decided on the event's mini-theme, allowing us to begin development, which includes more friendship-based prompts for the less romantically inclined. Progress is on track.

Storylines // New storyline prompts are still on hold.

Website development

No features are currently in active development.

Late September Fixes and Updates

Posted 1 year and 5 months ago :: Last edited 1 year and 5 months ago by AnimatedCritter

Hello, hello! A few changes, most notably bug fixes, have been pushed to the site:


You can now edit your forum posts. This feature was seeminly overlooked, and we noticed it with the addition of the Forum Games category. Speaking of, anyone is welcome to start a forum game in the category, of any type or style. Just be sure to clearly state any rules the game may have. c:

direct messaging

We've fixed a bug where message links would send users to the current page instead of the desired message. We have also enabled the rich text editor, so no more massive, one-line messages. The final change made was the removal of mail IDs from subject lines to prevent confusion.

trade center

Trade listings that were seeking a user's default wishlist would not publish, saying that "one or more of the selected wishlists is invalid". We have addressed this issue, so all users should now be able to include their default wishlists in their trade listings.

In the background, we have also installed a feature for the upcoming October event. There should be no visible changes from this, but as always, please submit a bug report if you experience any issues.

September Site Updates

Posted 1 year and 5 months ago :: Last edited 1 year and 5 months ago by AnimatedCritter

A few changes have finally been published to the site! Tutorials for each will be created after we finish with our preparations for the October event, but in the meantime, here's what you can expect:

Navbar update

There is now a "Community" section in the main navigation bar. With its addition, we've moved the link to the gallery out of the "Play" section, and the forums link has been sorted under "Community" as well. You can also find a link to the new trade center under the "Community" section!

Trade Center

Introducing the Trade Center! Your one-stop spot to publish and browse advertisements and find your trade queue. When creating an advertisement, there is an "offering" field where you can list your hoard items, Safirans, or even type something custom. Ads will also include a "seeking" section where you can list hoard items, wishlists, or type out something specific. Advertisements will automatically close after being listed for 30 days, so the trade center remains tidy.

  • As a reminder, the trade center is only a method of finding a trade partner. In order to actually transfer items with another user, you must visit your trade queue to initialize a trade.
  • With the addition of this feature, we have archived the "Hoard Trades" and the "Safiran Sales and Trades" forums. "Art Exchange" will remain until an upcoming Trade Center update.
  • We have also addressed an issue where pets, gear, and weapons were unable to be transferred between users. You can now send pets and claymore to your friends (or, heck, even your enemies!) via your trade queue.

Whether for yourself or to share with other users, you can now create a collection of items you're hoping to acquire via wishlists! Browse through the encyclopedia and shops to add items to your wishlists via the "Add to Wishlist" buttons, or stop by your wishlist page to create custom lists to properly organize all your desires.

Minesweeper still in the works. We need to create both a way to distribute rewards to users, as well as design some asset art to make the game look cohesive with the site. BUT! If you would like to test it out, we may have a demo already available (although there are no rewards for playing the demo, no matter what the tutorial tells you).

  • For the demo to work properly, you may need to hard refresh your browser. Depending on your browser, a hard refresh can be done via:
    • (Windows) CTRL + F
    • (Mac) CMD + Shift + R
    • (iOS) Turning on airplane mode, refreshing the page, and then turning airplane mode back off.
Donation shop

Those who have stopped by our Trello may have realized there's one thing missing in this update: the Donation Shop. We're still puzzling over how we would like this feature to work for Safira Island. For now, it has been put onto the backburner until our preparations for the October event are completed.

With so many new features, there may be a few kinks here and there to iron out. As always, if you ever encounter an issue, please submit a bug report.