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Hey there! I'm AnimatedCritter or Holly, otherwise known as the mad lad who runs this joint!

If you need help with anything relating to Safira Island and its species, I'm your guy!

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Wood Wool



Suggestion - A place to submit suggestions and questions, maybe a forums system, maybe something more similar to the bug reports so it's less complex? (If this exists and I'm bad at site navigation lmk lol)
Questions/Suggestion? - Any chance of reproductive lore? Like if Aqualoxes have some kind of magic system to reproduce, or if they don't, how aging works, what baby loxes are called, etc., etc.? I'd love to know more so I can have little guys and such but no pressure ofc I'm sure there's lots more important to focus on lol

2023-01-30 11:44:58

AnimatedCritter Avatar
AnimatedCritter Staff Member She/They

A majority of the reproductive/lifecycle lore has now been published!
If you have any questions or additional ideas, just let me know!

2023-02-12 19:38:40

AnimatedCritter Avatar
AnimatedCritter Staff Member She/They

Gosh, thank you for these! I'll see what I'm able to whip up!
For reproductive lore, I can give you a shout when the page is published, but in summary, a meteorite lands on the planet and serves as an "egg". It develops by absorbing its surroundings, causing aqualoxes to match the appearance of their environment.

2023-01-30 15:24:49

Multi Avatar
Multi They/Them

Hello I couldn't find a PM button so I hope it's okay if I leave a question in the comments...
Would it be okay to include a floating bust next to the fullbody to show the soul stone if it's not shown on the fullbody?

2022-12-24 18:49:50

AnimatedCritter Avatar
AnimatedCritter Staff Member She/They

Hello! Lorkeeper doesn’t have a DM system as of yet, so anywhere that I get a notification for your comment works perfectly!
And of course you may do a floating bust; we’re pretty flexible with the main Masterlist images. As long as the trait is displayed, whatever works for you, works for us!

2022-12-24 19:42:45

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