New Year, New Updates!

Posted 1 year and 2 months ago :: Last edited 1 year and 2 months ago by AnimatedCritter
Poco discovery

Poco Discovery, one of our monthly prompts, has been revamped! Now, instead of allowing users to draw any poco to receive a random poco in return, Poco Discovery features one specific poco every month that users can draw to receive as a guaranteed reward. With this update, Poco Discovery will refresh alongside Activity Corner,  closing on the last day of the month and reopening on the second day of the following month.

January's Poco Discovery is already available, featuring a Hypnotic Poco as this month's reward.

Official Account

As of recently, Safira Island not only has an official world, but also an official account! is the account used to hold the profiles of Safirans that do not belong to any one specific user. This encompasses not only our community characters and NPCs, but also all Shelter Safirans who had a profile before being surrendered to the Shelter.

If you surrender a Safiran to the Shelter, and they have an external profile, we now ask that they be sent to  (This can be done at any point during the surrender process.) If you do not have a account and/or your surrendered Safiran does not have a profile, this update does not affect you and no further action is required.

If you would like to link an NPC to an image/literature you've published on, or send a link request of a personal Safiran to an NPC, all users are welcome to do so! Please remember to adhere to Safira Island's Community Guidelines when linking works to the official Safira Island

prompt & event development

Lunar New Year // As a reminder, our Lunar New Year flash prompt will be returning on February 10th. We are currently concluding the sketching phase for the prompt's rewards. Progress is on track.

Ether Hunt // Ether Hunt is scheduled to return on February 12th. We have decided on the event's mini-theme, allowing us to begin development, which includes more friendship-based prompts for the less romantically inclined. Progress is on track.

Storylines // New storyline prompts are still on hold.

Website development

No features are currently in active development.


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