Located at the mouth of the Little Greeting River, Glacier Port is the epicenter of Northern-Eastern trade. Although geographically marked as a part of the Central Shores, Glacier Port is co-governed by both the Temple of Aysu and Northern Island representatives. This bustling port town is made from marine concrete, with grey slabs lining the walks. Buildings constructed in the region are of the same material, mundane, and square.
Despite the ceaseless bustle in the streets and waterways, very few residents call the Glacier Port their home. Most of the Safirans there are some variety of traders, travelers, or merchants, eager to bring their wares to the region with a higher demand. Except for traveling tools (rations, maps, compasses) and under-the-table dealings, very little trade actually takes place within the town’s borders. Most exchanges wait until the impatient merchants finally arrive at their final destination.
The majority of goods are imports, as valuable ore and magics from the North (mixed with the Central Shore’s high cost of living) bring the impoverished a pretty coin. Do not be mistaken, though, as exports still flow through the ports. Most commonly are foods that require warmer growing conditions (such as Almanac Fruits and Paradise Hams) luxury goods for well-off Northern residents, and food stores.
Food stores are temporary exports, intended to return to the Central Shores at a later time. Because of the Northern Island's frigid weather, it can be more profitable to send fresh foods there for preservation, rather than to the caves of Titans’ Palisade or to dry them under the blistering sun. For this reason, large warehouses barricade the shore between the Northern Island and the mainland. Onland warehouses are more expensive than those under the waves, encouraging an abundance of aquatic staff.