
<a href="" class="display-item">Chimera Hare</a>

Category: Vanity Pets

Chimera Hare

This rabbit-like creature has a snake for a tail, filling the hare with constant fear, the snake with eternal pain, and both a ceaseless exhaustion. It's believed that these creatures are not a natura...

<a href="" class="display-item">Tri-Lure Angler</a>

Category: Vanity Pets

Tri-Lure Angler

This fish lives at the farthest depth of the sea. Its head lure is to capture living prey (fish, crabs, squid... whatever it can fit in its mouth!) while its two chin lures are to drag in the drifting...

<a href="" class="display-item">Lantern Newt</a>

Category: Vanity Pets

Lantern Newt

These strange creatures like to sleep next to other dreary Safirans. Their skull blinks to the story beats of the slumbering Safiran's dream, and they cling to the colours displayed in those dreams. B...

<a href="" class="display-item">Opossum</a>

Category: Vanity Pets


Road rat.

<a href="" class="display-item">Clearwing Hummingbird</a>

Category: Vanity Pets

Clearwing Hummingbird

These diurnal moths are said to have lost their wings in a bet against a god, so they now hover from flower to flower hoping to rebuild their patchy wings. They love all sorts of nectars and pollens,...

<a href="" class="display-item">Current Brewer</a>

Category: Vanity Pets

Current Brewer

 During the fall, typically around All-Fright's End, strong currents will pick up that may be mistaken for a riptide or strong winds on the surface, but ocean-dwellers know better than their surf...

<a href="" class="display-item">Pinocchio Penguin</a>

Category: Vanity Pets

Pinocchio Penguin

It's safe to assume that Pinocchio penguins got their name from their piercingly long beaks. These penguins prefer a particular temperature and will migrate freely between the north and south to live...

<a href="" class="display-item">Fire Tamarin</a>

Category: Vanity Pets

Fire Tamarin

Like many dragon-type beasts, Fire Tamarins love to slumber deep beneath the earth in long-forgotten magma tunnels. They scarcely surface, but sometimes the ruckus from the surface draws them out of h...

<a href="" class="display-item">Clifford Lovebird</a>

Category: Vanity Pets

Clifford Lovebird

Just like your average lovebird, brimming with confidence and a feisty attitude, but the Clifford Lovebird can grow much, much larger. Whereas your typical parrot has a wingspan of maybe five or six i...

<a href="" class="display-item">Bobtail Griffon</a>

Category: Vanity Pets

Bobtail Griffon

Nobody told the first hatchling of the bobtail griffon to be careful what it wished for, so when it said it would trade anything for the ability to fly, the Dryad of Rotmoth was eager to trade for the...

<a href="" class="display-item">Heaven Jailer</a>

Category: Vanity Pets

Heaven Jailer

These maned-wolf-esque creatures roam the vast caverns under the Sweetheart Summit. Their limbs can bend in unnatural ways and their speeds are unmatched. Many tales have been spun of Heaven Jailers s...

<a href="" class="display-item">Budding Octopus</a>

Category: Vanity Pets

Budding Octopus

Lacy fins stretching across this octopus' mantle give it the appearance of an unbloomed flower. What colour the mantle presents itself as is hereditary and entirely based on the region from which the...

<a href="" class="display-item">Leprechaun's Friend</a>

Category: Vanity Pets

Leprechaun's Friend

Flitting around the trees, Leprechaun's Friends (otherwise called the emerald skunk) are a type of dwarf skunk with long tongues that draw pollen from flowers hidden in the highest canopies but don't...

<a href="" class="display-item">Wood Rot Pixie</a>

Category: Vanity Pets

Wood Rot Pixie

Like most pixies, these creatures thrive on chaos. Outside of spooking forest travelers, wood rot pixies love burrowing deep into the heart of trees, where they can create their nest out of sticky sil...

<a href="" class="display-item">Echo Dove</a>

Category: Vanity Pets

Echo Dove

These doves hear everything within a half-kilometer radius and sing back the information in a reverberating trill. When in a dormant state, their appearance is that of an off-white dove or pigeon, but...

<a href="" class="display-item">Water Quamba</a>

Category: Vanity Pets

Water Quamba

A pudgy rodent that grows in close-knit communities around brackish swamps. They are known to love salty treats to an unbelievable degree, leaving tourists naive enough to carry pretzels and chips nea...

<a href="" class="display-item">Sir Sculpts-a-ot</a>

Category: Vanity Pets

Sir Sculpts-a-ot

A creature made of clay who’s definitely seen better days.

<a href="" class="display-item">Waddle Snail</a>

Category: Vanity Pets

Waddle Snail

Round body, stubby legs, and a mask-like face, and yet you're telling me this sluggy friend isn't a poco? Well, it's welcome in my garden regardless. Pest problems seemingly disappear with them a...

<a href="" class="display-item">Leshi Vine</a>

Category: Vanity Pets

Leshi Vine

These plants are unassuming at first, but should a creature walk through their blooms, pollen will cling to the passerby. The pollen will absorb pieces of the host until it makes contact with another...

<a href="" class="display-item">Baby Gniff</a>

Category: Totem Lines

Baby Gniff

These little dragon-like creatures have only two toes! They're only babies, although no one has ever seen an adult Gniff, so it certainly raises some questions. Either way, these creatures make great...

108 results found.