I think it would be cool if we could see art submissions of the character on the character's page from the gallery or prompts! It could be optional for users who don't want theirs shown. Maybe it could be shown below the design notes? Like a row of a few images and a "see more" that brings to a seperate page if there are too many to fit on the main page. On the main page maybe it would show most recent or you could pick "featured images" to show on the main character page?
Users could pick "show art gallery on my character's page" and also set if their art shows up on others' galleries!
I'd love this to get a better idea of the character, and it's helpful when drawing art for others to see multiple pictures to get a better idea of character depictions!
Thank you for your suggestion!
We do have a feature very similar to what you are suggesting already; it's just tucked-away in the sidebar of the character's masterlist. (On the character's page/masterlist entry, go to the sidebar, look under "Character", and it will be the second option labled "Gallery".) This gallery is comprised of all images and literature submission to the site gallery that includes the Safiran in its "Character" field, regardless of who created the submission. (This does not include prompt submissions, due to the nature of the Gallery and Prompt Submission URL's releationship.)
There is currently no "featured images", no sorting, and no direct display on the character's main masterlist page, but a work-around is adding the gallery image to your Safiran's profile (see our Gallery Tutorial "Linking To/Mentioning Gallery Submissions"). But I really do love the idea of allowing the gallery to be displayed on the chararcter's page, so I'll see about coding something after I've finished a few other projects for the site. c: