Gallery Tutorial

Browsing Site Galleries

There are a handful of galleries available to view on Safira Island. Simply visit the gallery page, then click on the specific gallery name to see all posts in that section, as well as the gallery description and search fields.

Should you see a gallery submission that piques your interest, simply click on the thumbnail to view the submission's full page. From there, you can click the star icon in the top right corner to favourite the piece, or scroll down to the bottom of the page to leave a comment. Should it be necessary, you may also report the submission by clicking on the alert icon located immediately after the submission's title.

Submitting to Galleries

To submit your work to a gallery, click the "+" button next to the gallery you wish to submit for. You will be redirected to a form where you can fill out the following information, all of which will be visible to other users:



a .png, .jpeg, or .gif file that serves as your submission. If you're submitting writing, this can be left blank.

Notice: mobile users may not see a "Choose File" button. This is a known visual bug, but you can continue as normal by clicking the empty box nested under the "Image" header.


the area you can input your text, should your gallery submission be a literature piece. Due to the nature of no auto-saving, it is highly suggested that you compose your writing in a secure document, where you can consistently save your progress, and then copy-paste into the text field.

Basic Information


the title of your submission.


Any additional notes you can add to your submission. 

Content Warning:

This must be applied to all pieces containing sensitive content. To see what requires filtering, please read Safira Island's Community and Submission Guidelines in our Terms of Service.


If your gallery's submission was created for a prompt, you may choose to select the prompt through here. If you begin to type in the prompt name, the field should auto-fill.


Any characters that are included in your submission. This will add your submission to the characters' Masterlist profile under their "Gallery" tab in the sidebar.


If you had any assistance in creating your gallery submission, you may credit the assisting artists/writers here by entering their username(s) and the role they served in creating the piece. If the piece was created independently, you may leave the field blank. Please notice that this field cannot be updated after your submission is created.

Other Participants

If your submission was created as a gift, trade, or commission for another user, you can list them here. If the piece was a personal work, or created for an NPC character, you may leave this field blank. Much like the collaborators field, this cannot be edited after the submission is created.

Notice: filling out this field automatically prefaces your gallery submission title with the information filed here.

Linking to/mentioning Gallery Submissions

There may be cases where you wish to share or display a gallery submission. If you choose to share the submission off-site, you simply copy the post's URL (or image URL, depending on your use-case). Although you may also do the same for sharing a gallery submission on-site, you can also use the submission's page embedding feature.

To use the gallery embed feature, go to the page of the gallery submission you wish to embed. Once you're on the image page, locate the "Mention This" box. There are two separate options to copy: " rich text editor" and "in a comment".

To embed an image in a user profile, character profile, your terms of service, etc, copy the "rich text editor" code (formatted as [thumb=GALLERYID]), and then paste the code into the desired location's text editor.

To embed an image in a comment or forum post, copy the "in a comment" code (formatted as [![Image](URL)](URL)), and then paste the code into your comment.

In both cases, the image will not show up in the text-editor. This is normal. Your embed gallery submission will be visible after publishing your changes/posting your comment.

Here is an example of the result:

Submission thumbnail