<a href="https://safiraisland.com/world/items/10" class="display-item">Rootworms</a>

Resale Value: 1 Opals

Category: Foodstuff

Artist: AnimatedCritter


Although they're not grubs, these roots most certianly look like them! They even split of from their mother-plant and spread throughout the soil by squirming around like grubs do. Rootworms have thin hairs along the lower portion of the vegetable, comparable the hair found on corn, which many consumers find unappetizing. These vegetables have a bitter taste and are commonly boiled and candied, although rootworm mash is equally popular. Due to the roots entering dormancy during the winter, and henceforth being easier to forage, dishes involving this root are associated with Crystalfall.


No current uses defined.
