Smokesignals Event: Week 4
Posted 5 months and 2 weeks ago / / Last edited 5 months and 2 weeks agoWhat will you do as the pieces fall into place?
Welcome to the second to last week of our Smokesignals event.
Well, well, well! It seems you're nearing the final leg of the adventure.
Hike of Pokey Pines
The trick now is to find where the adventure starts. Rusty key in hand, today marks the beginning of our Hike of Pokey Pines mini advent calendar. This advent will run for only three days, ending September 17th at 23:59:59 CST.
Log in every day for a new prize as you search for the cabin the fisherman spoke of, and maybe -- just maybe -- this search will reveal something (or someone) the likes of which you've never seen before.
As a disclaimer, there are no worries if you miss a day! All users can still participate in what's to come in the days following the advent's end, regardless of their participation in the calendar. With that, we'll see you in our next newspost September 18th! c;
- All Prompts, the Farport exploration, and dialogue modules from previous weeks of the Smokesignals event are still available.
- Have you made a gift for someone's Safiran? Submit it to our Generous Spirit prompt!
- Both Poco Discovery and the Activity Corner will be available until September 30th.
- Want game reminders or to chat with fellow players? Come join us on the official Discord server!