Generous Spirit

Monthlies || Create gift art of another person's Safiran!
Generous Spirit

Click here to view all Safirians that allow gift art!

Create a gift for another user! See the "Rules" tab for minimumn requirements.

Submission Window
Limit: 2 Submission(s) per Month

Additional Opals may be rewarded based on the submission's refinement.

User Rewards
10 User EXP
1 User Points
Character Rewards

No character rewards.

Character Skills

No skill increase.


Art submissions must be at least a coloured portrait.

Writing submissions must be at least 250 words.

Some effort must be shown, although submissions don't always have to be your best work.

Be aware of the submission window. It's suggested that you plan for at least one (1) hour before the prompt's end time to allow for troubleshooting.