Updates to Terms of Service and Privacy Policy

Posted 9 months and 2 weeks ago / / Last edited 9 months and 2 weeks ago

We have recently updated Safira Island's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

We ask those of you who have not reviewed the documents since 2024 April 15th to review the changes. By continuing use of our services, it's assumed you agree to abide by our new terms and policies.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to AnimatedCritter.

Hello, everybody! We hope you're having a good week.

With an influx of fake accounts being created on the website, we've improved our spam mitigation system. Although the primary focus of this update was the privacy changes brought on by the new system, we have also taken the opportunity to make a handful of other modifications. The old versions of both documents, dated from the site's founding (2022 April 1st) to today (2024 April 15th), can be provided upon request.

For convenience, we've summarized the major changes and additions below, but we still highly recommend reviewing our full Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

notable changes to our Terms of Service

account creation

Added the following to paragraph three:

  • "...Accounts suspected of bot activity will be flagged for manual review, where a flagged account deemed to violate these terms may be soft deleted. Deleted accounts can be revived up to one (1) week after termination by contacting a Safira Island moderator. After one week has passed, we cannot guarantee that an account can be revived."

Added specifications on what consequences may occur should a user violate our terms (paragraph six).

  • "...including but not limited to reduced access to site features, temporary suspension of the account, and/or account termination."
Official designs

Updated our take on advertising unofficial Safiran designs using the Safira Island name (paragraph four).

  • "Using the Safira Island name for advertisements or descriptions of unofficial designs is discouraged, although we will take no action, so long as the designer is transparent that the design is not an official Safiran and may require changes to be used in the Safira Island group and uploaded to the masterlist."

Notable changes to our Privacy Policy

Collected Personal Information

The line "Safira Island only collects information that you voluntarily provide to us" has become "Safira Island only collects information necessary to provide our services".

how information is used

All paragraphs in this section have undergone revisions, although the points remain largely the same.

Most notably, the following paragraph was added regarding the nature of the primary site administrator's role:

  • "Should a user’s account activity be deemed suspicious and require manual review, the primary site administrator may have the ability to bypass account visibility settings. This excludes account information that would allow other users to gain access to an account, such as passwords, which will always remain confidential and protected."
Accessing and updating Personal information

Added the following regarding our service providers:

  • "Although Safira Island prioritizes users’ ability to manage their information, the ability to review, update, and delete data shared with SafiraIsland.com’s third-party providers is subject to those parties’ terms and policies. For information regarding what service providers SafiraIsland.com has elected to work with, please reach out to our primary site administrator, AnimatedCritter."
Links to external sites

Clarified that Safira Island's external platforms are still to be treated as external sites.

  • "...This includes Safira Island’s official Discord server, Trello board, and Toyhou.se world."

And that summarizes the majority of our changes. Thank you for taking the time to read through our updates!


  • The Rainfall Festival event ends tomorrow at 23:59 CST. All submissions will receive a raffle ticket for AQUA-156.
  • Roughly two weeks remain to complete April's monthly prompts.
  • Looking for a new friend? Swing by the Shelter to find a Safiran in need of a loving home!
  • Did you know that Safira Island has a Discord server? Swing by and check it out!

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