Rainfall Festival
Posted 9 months and 4 weeks ago / / Last edited 9 months and 4 weeks agoTHE RAINY SEASON IS HERE!
And with it comes the Rainfall Festival! Participate in this two-week event's prompts and shop around the Holiday Shoppe.
April 1st is upon us, and while some may be readying pranks and hiding tricks up their sleeves, Safira Island's residents are readying themselves for the Rainfall Festival! It's officially been two years since Safira Island was released and we're thrilled to have you join us for another holiday.
The Rainfall Festival will run from April 1st to April 16th. You can read more by clicking on the banners below.
And say hello to this event's raffle Safiran! Submit prompts to earn tickets for a chance to win AQUA-156: Sapphire Rosette. Learn more in their sales post here.
- Generous Spirit has been refreshed for the month.
- Stay tuned for our April Activity Corner and Poco Discovery, set to refresh on the 2nd.
- Looking for a new friend? Swing by the Shelter to find a Safiran in need of a loving home!
- Did you know that Safira Island has a Discord server? Swing by and check it out!
- Despite the rains, a subtle aroma of smoke tinges the air... Our 100-member milestone is drawing near.
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