Late September Fixes and Updates

Posted 1 year and 5 months ago :: Last edited 1 year and 5 months ago by AnimatedCritter

Hello, hello! A few changes, most notably bug fixes, have been pushed to the site:


You can now edit your forum posts. This feature was seeminly overlooked, and we noticed it with the addition of the Forum Games category. Speaking of, anyone is welcome to start a forum game in the category, of any type or style. Just be sure to clearly state any rules the game may have. c:

direct messaging

We've fixed a bug where message links would send users to the current page instead of the desired message. We have also enabled the rich text editor, so no more massive, one-line messages. The final change made was the removal of mail IDs from subject lines to prevent confusion.

trade center

Trade listings that were seeking a user's default wishlist would not publish, saying that "one or more of the selected wishlists is invalid". We have addressed this issue, so all users should now be able to include their default wishlists in their trade listings.

In the background, we have also installed a feature for the upcoming October event. There should be no visible changes from this, but as always, please submit a bug report if you experience any issues.


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