Hi! I hope I'm not being too much of a bother with all of my questions regarding the Smokesignals prompts, but this time I've got a question about the new "Under Chimney and Hearth" prompt! I was wanting to draw a scene in Pitchfork's office, but I was kind of having trouble figuring out how it should look, since there isn't any glimpses of it that I know of beyond the descriptions throughout the dialogue module. I was wondering if the office is meant to be more up to interpretation based off the information given, or if there was any specific way the office should look beyond the information that's given?
Hello, and it's all good! I adore answering questions, so keep 'em coming. <3
Feel free to interpret environments however you wish, even if there are official resources. All we ask is that 1~2 key traits of the region are kept to keep the location recognizable, should the environment be required by name (for example Sylph Falls floating stones, Sweetheart Summit's mountain terrain, or in this case, a firelit office).
If you would like some more information/images for the office, I've just added a short blurb to the Otenere page (including a little sketch of what an office space may look like) that you can reference if you'd like. c: