[Open] [Flatsale] Here Be Dragons Mystery Batch

Posted 1 year and 6 months ago :: Last edited 9 months and 3 weeks ago by AnimatedCritter

Six aqualoxes are in need of a home, but let's have a little fun...

Flatsale Gatcha

$15 - random roll
$30 - Choice roll

This sale is a little different and will be held in a "gatcha" style! This means that, for $15, you will receive a random aqualox from the batch, but if your heart is set on a particular silhouette, you may alternatively claim a specific 'lox for $30.


- Only one roll per user.

- First come, first served.

- Prices are listed in USD.

- Payments are made via PayPal Invoice.

- Payment is required within 24 hours, unless asked otherwise!


Optional lore

[Open] AQUA-090: Stained Glass

This aqualox's tail is too heavy for them to swim easily, so they favour living in shallow waters, strutting across the riverbeds and ocean floor like a hippopotamus. They spend most of their time traveling across the island, recording the history of the deceased.

Soul Gem Placement: Pebbles along Back

[CLOSED] AQUA-091: Guiding Light

This aqualox woke up without any memory of who they are or where they are from. They do not know their name, their family, or even where they are. All they know is that it is dark, and the water around them weighs heavy, but they are not without a lead. A tiny dragon, claiming to be a god (and only small because he lost his true powers in an epic battle the aqualox's tiny mind couldn't possibly comprehend) also claims they know the key to finding this aqualox's missing memories.  Being their only guiding light, this blind aqualox must trust the reptile's word as truth and follow them along their whimsical escapades.

Soul Gem Placement: Chest

[open] AQUA-092: Piercing

"You don't remember the Blister Wars, do you? I suppose you don't. Neither do I, for what I remember is not a war, but a massacre. I had to choose a side. If they are there, listening from Beyond, I hope they know why I made the choice. They would've understood: it was me or them. Even if I spared them, they never stood a chance against the rest of my people. It was an act of mercy... wasn't it?"

Soul Gem Placement: Base of Tail

[Closed] AQUA-093: Plates

Digging. Holes. It's exhilarating. This aqualox has a whole hoard of treasures, from shiny stones to lost utensils, from simply plowing through the dirt. Each and every single one they cherish, but this habit of theirs has made them... less than popular amongst their neighbors. Hey! At least you know who to blame for that massive crater in your flowerbed.

Soul Gem Placement: Claws

[open] AQUA-094: Gold Filling

This aqualox pup serves as a guardian for a small temple on the side of a flooded road. The left half of their face never fully developed, but that doesn't stop them! In fact, the god they guard seems to like it, possessing the water mane for moments in time to play with the rotund aqualox.

Soul Gem Placement: Eyebrow

[Closed] AQUA-095: Vapor

The Northern Island is a lawless land, where leaders rise and fall in the blink of an eye. This aqualox, born and raised in a dreary, mundane, gods-can't-something-finally-happen town, couldn't stop the excitement pulsing through their veins at the idea of moving North. It was about time for their greatness to be known, and it wouldn't hurt to knock down one or two leaders to put themself on a pedestal, would it? I mean, they are themselves, after all!

Soul Gem Placement: Top of Skull



Scarn_Sans Avatar
Scarn_Sans They/Them

Are We allowed to buy 2 choices? Or does it still count as a roll?

2024-07-04 04:56:01

AnimatedCritter Avatar
AnimatedCritter Staff Member She/They

You're absolutely welcome to buy any number and combination of rolls you'd like!
Since there are still three aqualoxes remaining, though, two choice rolls would still total $60. (Technically making it cheaper, $45, to buy all three as random rolls.)

2024-07-04 21:16:16

Scarn_Sans Avatar
Scarn_Sans They/Them

If I end up getting Spare money later on, ill probably just get the 3 random rolls then! (If I do get money, of course)

2024-07-13 22:58:37

ShinyUmbreonXD Avatar

I'd like to buy a random roll! Though could I send you my email through dms or on TH or Discord? It has my irl name attached ^^'

2024-05-05 13:35:05

AnimatedCritter Avatar
AnimatedCritter Staff Member She/They

You absolutely may! Feel free to DM me on-site or through Toyhou.se (AnimatedCritter), whichever you’re most comfortable with. c:

2024-05-05 14:40:31

JayMeowth Avatar

I'd like to buy an random roll

2023-09-04 20:19:48

AnimatedCritter Avatar
AnimatedCritter Staff Member She/They

Alrighty! Let me know the email you would like the invoice to be addressed to, and I'll send one right away.

2023-09-04 22:37:24

JayMeowth Avatar

Remixbean@gmail.com or My PayPal is just Blackberrycoon

2023-09-04 23:13:11

golden-boy Avatar
Featured by Owner

I'd like to buy a random roll!

2023-08-24 15:31:33 (Edited 2023-08-24 16:32:19)

AnimatedCritter Avatar
AnimatedCritter Staff Member She/They

Sounds good! Would you like for me to send the invoice to the same email as before?

2023-08-24 21:28:08

golden-boy Avatar

Yeup! Should be the same email as before! :3

2023-08-24 21:35:06

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