Obtain a Safiran

Although you do not need a Safiran to participate in the ARPG, it may be fun to own a character to call your very own. There are many ways to go about obtaining a Safiran, all of which are discussed further below.

Free MYOs

The most common way to obtain a Safirain of your own is to create one yourself! Typically, these will be designs created by you, either drawn from scratch or made using a base, although you may always commission another user to design a Safiran on your behalf. Please notice that commissioned Safirains (unless ordered from AnimatedCritter or an Official Guest Artist) still only begin with the base stats, and edits to the submitted art may be requested before your design is approved.

Create a Free MYOHow to Create a Safiran

Official Sales

Official sales are Safirans that are created by AnimatedCritter or Official Guest Artists for the purpose of sale. These designs sometimes require real-life currency, typically listed in USD (United States Dollars), although a handful of designs may be placed up for raffle or set as an OTA (Offer to Adopt). As a thank-you for your purchase, all Safirains obtained via an Official Sale begin with boosted stats.

Browse Official Sales

The Shelter

Alternatively, if you don't want to spend any money on a pre-made design, the Shelter is another location you can check! These Safirans are surrendered by other users and are placed up for sale in exchange for Friendship Florins or Opals, both types of on-site currency. Friendship Florins can be obtained by surrendering a Safiran to the Shelter, while Opals can be obtained by participating in the ARPG (such as going prompting or selling items from your inventory).

Visit the Shelter

Obtain Safirans from Another User

As a final option, you can browse the Masterlist for Safirans that are up for sale/trade. Users can mark on their Safiran's Masterlist entry if they wish for their character to be listed for sale, which allows you to find them through the Masterlist search feature. Be aware that these are unofficial, user-hosted sales/trades. This means that you must directly contact the listing's owner to initiate a sale/trade discussion. Outside of confirming ownership transfers, Safira Island does not have control over any part of the exchange.

Browse Trade-Listed Characters