Little Greeting River

Between the Central Shores and Glacier Port  runs the Little Greeting River. As the name implies, this river is smaller in size, but unites the port city to the Bazaar, serving an essential role to visiting traders from the Northern Island.

Many Safiran's have settled along this river, finding the rent cheaper here than in the epicenter of the Central Shores, the streets safer than the crime-riddled Glacier Port, and a deep-knit community of neighbors and friends, but there still comes a cost to living in this region.

Being the only river between Glacier Port and Central Shores, the waterways are constantly crowded with traffic. From boats to rafts, traders desperate to sell their wares before the other merchants flood the river. Although these traders rarely pay the locals much mind -- their eyes set on the wealthier folk in the Central Shores -- the traffic keeps the locals from the water. Stories and gossip warn of the very-real possibility of getting run over, and although Safirans have not developed motors, the sheer weight of cargo can cause some serious damage, especially if a careless lox wedges between two vessels.

Although terrestrial Safirans are mostly unaffected by this, aqualoxes in this region have needed to adapt. Many homes are surrounded in countless rain barrels, in a feeble attempt to gather the large amount of water loxes need to consume. But oftentimes, this is not enough -- even with the assistance of neighbors -- so a handful of loxes have taken-on the role of Barrier Keeper.

Barrier Keepers are responsible for building and maintaining large, wooden frames that are cast into the shore to serve as the barrier between townsfolk and water traffic. This allows Safirans to access the river-water (although inevitable pollution requires this water to be purified in some way, and a very clear distinction is made that this water is not for swimming: accidents still happen). In the past, impatient traders have attempted to push these frames back ashore, so modern-day Barrier Keepers have been additionally tasked with monitoring and redirecting water traffic around the area.