Comments on [Closed] [Winner Announced] Lovebug

AnimatedCritter Avatar
AnimatedCritter Staff Member

This raffle has been rolled and the winner is... Watercolor_Splash!
Congrats on winning the Ether Hunt Raffle! Let us know if you would prefer AQUA-044 or 30 Stat Points instead. c:

2023-03-14 04:20:31

Watercolor_Splash Avatar

Thank you very much!
I chose the aqua-44 they are gorgeous <333

2023-03-14 06:13:44

AnimatedCritter Avatar
AnimatedCritter Staff Member

You're very welcome!
Their masterlist entry has been transferred to your Safira Island account. AQUA-044 also has a profile; do you have a account you would like for it to be transferred to?

2023-03-14 18:14:51

Watercolor_Splash Avatar

Thank you very much!
I have a toyhouse

2023-03-15 06:10:26 (Edited 2023-03-16 06:26:46)

AnimatedCritter Avatar
AnimatedCritter Staff Member

Thank you for your patience; the transfer should now be sent!

2023-03-16 01:01:10