Ope, that's a little bit my bad! As you suspected, it's because last month's prompt extended into this month, and I forgot to increase the submission limit to compensate for that. I've since fixed it but if you run out of time to submit the prompt, you may go ahead and submit a claim with just a link to the art, and we'll process that rest on our end. <3
AnimatedCritter Staff Member
Ope, that's a little bit my bad! As you suspected, it's because last month's prompt extended into this month, and I forgot to increase the submission limit to compensate for that. I've since fixed it
but if you run out of time to submit the prompt, you may go ahead and submit a claim with just a link to the art, and we'll process that rest on our end. <32024-09-29 01:08:58
Feature Comment
Thank you!!
2024-09-29 20:14:35
Feature Comment