
<a href="" class="display-item">Chrysalis Seed</a>

Category: Agriculture

Chrysalis Seed

A strange seed that you've never seen before. It looks otherworldly and feels... alive. Something tells you that you should keep it safe.

<a href="" class="display-item">Frogge Egg</a>

Category: Agriculture

Frogge Egg

A lone frogge egg. Will it hatch, or is it destined to become a gelatinous dinner?

<a href="" class="display-item">Phoenix Egg</a>

Category: Agriculture

Phoenix Egg

A fire egg on a water planet doesn't sound like the best idea, but you do you.

<a href="" class="display-item">Gniff Egg</a>

Category: Agriculture

Gniff Egg

This egg's shell is incomplete, allowing the Gniff hatchling to be visible in the amphibious core. It's ill-advised to grow and hatch this egg inside, since indoor hatchlings are born with severe defe...

<a href="" class="display-item">Pangolin Palm Seed</a>

Category: Agriculture

Pangolin Palm Seed

This small seed may be unassuming, but every good alchemist has at least a few of these ready for their garden.

5 results found.