
<a href="" class="display-item">Exoskeleton Tincture</a>

Category: Potions

Potion Exoskeleton Tincture

Uses: Increases your Safiran's Spirit stat by a little.

A strange potion that combines fru-fru pink and the real spine of a tiny creature. Who knows what's inside of this; do you dare to drink it?

<a href="" class="display-item">Perpetual Tincture</a>

Category: Potions

Potion Perpetual Tincture

Uses: Increases your Safiran's Agility stat by a little. You read the lable deeper: "Now with extra electrolytes!"

This drink is cursed into constant motion, to the point where no barkeep will bottle it. You're beginning to wonder if they even can? Or if you should even drink it...

<a href="" class="display-item">Preserved Potion</a>

Category: Potions

Potion Preserved Potion

Uses: Increases your Safiran's Endurance stat by a little. "But is it really worth it?" a voice echoes inside your head.

A thermos of... well, some kind of beverage, although it looks chunkier than my mother's chowder; if this were an orange juice, it'd be labled "Only Pulp";  and there is a clear undertone of rotten me...

<a href="" class="display-item">"Devil of the North" Drink</a>

Category: Potions

Potion "Devil of the North" Drink

Uses: Increases your Safiran's Strength stat by a little.

This drink is particularly difficult to craft, but not impossible, and is one of the higher-quality exports from the Northern Island. In times of old, couples would often consume this drink to prove t...

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