
<a href="" class="display-item">Strange Ash</a>

Category: Hoards

Strange Ash

A pile of ash with a texture like kinetic sand with small, multicoloured flecks dappled throughout.

<a href="" class="display-item">Melting Ice Crystal</a>

Category: Hoards

Melting Ice Crystal

Oh, how the mighty glacier has fallen.

<a href="" class="display-item">Glass of Salt Water</a>

Category: Hoards

Glass of Salt Water

And you thought your water was hard?

<a href="" class="display-item">Shark Tooth</a>

Category: Hoards

Shark Tooth

A shark tooth retired to the sea after years of catching and gnashing unsuspecting prey. This one appears to belong to a Greenland shark, or at least it did, but now it's sitting happily in your colle...

<a href="" class="display-item">Fish Hook</a>

Category: Hoards

Fish Hook

A simple fish hook for those who prefer a more patient way of catching their fish.

<a href="" class="display-item">Confetti</a>

Category: Hoards


Confetti on the islands is made of feathers, scales, plastic, leaf clippings, or even mica-like sheets. You can celebrate no matter the weather!

<a href="" class="display-item">D20 (Water)</a>

Category: Hoards

D20 (Water)

A twenty-sided die with the emblem of the Water element carved into the crystal. Light catches within the die, glittering like the ocean surface on a sunny day.

<a href="" class="display-item">D20 (Pollen)</a>

Category: Hoards

D20 (Pollen)

A die with twenty sides. The die itself is translucent, allowing you to see a bubble of golden liquid spinning around inside.

<a href="" class="display-item">Water Thistle</a>

Category: Hoards

Water Thistle

This semi-aquatic thistle has a peppery flavour like arugula or dandelion greens. Do not eat the flowery fruit, though, however honey-sweet they may smell! An estimated 97% of Safirans have an allergi...

<a href="" class="display-item">Antique Coin</a>

Category: Hoards

Antique Coin

An old coin with the abstract face of a terrain branded into it. Based on the craftsmanship and the oxidization, it's safe to assume the currency is long-defunct.

<a href="" class="display-item">Pressed Rose</a>

Category: Hoards

Pressed Rose

A pink rose suspended in clear resin, meaning the pressed memento is safe to display even underwater.

<a href="" class="display-item">Lovely Bouquet</a>

Category: Hoards

Lovely Bouquet

Although purchased from one of the stalls at the base of Sweetheart Summit, the flowers used in this bouquet are distinctly from the Snakejaw Gulf. Then again, with the majority of the Summit's flower...

<a href="" class="display-item">Soapstone Griffon</a>

Category: Hoards

Soapstone Griffon

The legs are a smidge cattywampus on this one, but there’s something charming to the way the figure teeters and totters on the shelf.

<a href="" class="display-item">Feathershield Arrowhead</a>

Category: Hoards

Feathershield Arrowhead

An ancient arrowhead found in the dirt on the Sweetheart Summit. It’s difficult to tell if the dull edge is from decades of erosion or if maybe the arrowhead served a different purpose. and never need...

<a href="" class="display-item">Witchhat Mushroom</a>

Category: Hoards

Witchhat Mushroom

Despite what the name may have you think, these mushrooms grow most prevalently in late winter and early spring. Although their growing season and region are in closer relation to the Ether Hunt holid...

<a href="" class="display-item">False Cradle</a>

Category: Hoards

False Cradle

A carnivorous plant that serves as a great reminder of just how lucky you are to be larger than an ant. Strangely enough, though, you swear the false cradles on Sweetheart Summit look bigger than the...

<a href="" class="display-item">Capture Buoy</a>

Category: Hoards

Capture Buoy

A glass buoy that seems to hold the cosmos in its shell. Wrapped in a rough net, and the diameter being no larger than half a forearm, it’s surprisingly easy to carry. It seems to be imbued with some...

<a href="" class="display-item">Seal Fur</a>

Category: Hoards

Seal Fur

For the low-low price of your most prized possession, you can get some seal fur of your very own! Oh, but you could also get it in exchange for that dust bunny under your couch.

<a href="" class="display-item">Soapstone Phoenix</a>

Category: Hoards

Soapstone Phoenix

To carve a fire-elemental out of an earthly-rock is a little rude, don't cha say?

<a href="" class="display-item">Soapstone Gniff</a>

Category: Hoards

Soapstone Gniff

I guess it looks like a Gniff... kind of?

73 results found.