
<a href="" class="display-item">All-Fright's Talisman</a>

Category: Hoards

All-Fright's Talisman

A small, stone plaque with the word "Rest" carved into it. Will this really keep the Rift Forger at bay?

<a href="" class="display-item">D20 (Water)</a>

Category: Hoards

D20 (Water)

A twenty-sided die with the emblem of the Water element carved into the crystal. Light catches within the die, glittering like the ocean surface on a sunny day.

<a href="" class="display-item">Incomprehensible Cube</a>

Category: Hoards

Incomprehensible Cube

Yeah, no, that makes sense.

<a href="" class="display-item">Snow Bunny</a>

Category: Hoards

Snow Bunny

Not all friends last forever, so why not make the best of it while it lasts?

<a href="" class="display-item">Thick Stick</a>

Category: Hoards

Thick Stick

Sturdy. Will be there for you when no when else wood.

<a href="" class="display-item">Star Chart</a>

Category: Hoards

Star Chart

This massive piece of equipment comes in quite handy on any vessel sailing across Safira, and is often situated in both the captain's quarters or the helm. Of course, it comes in handy outside of sail...

<a href="" class="display-item">Listener's Candle</a>

Category: Hoards

Listener's Candle

Not all gods can survive the passage of time. This owl-like deity was once praised as the guardian of the changing year, but has long since eroded from Safira's mind and disappeared from the clocktowe...

<a href="" class="display-item">Ghast Kelp</a>

Category: Hoards

Ghast Kelp

Ghast kelp is another variety of bioluminescent flora on Safira Island. This plant is found within the underwater glacier caves of the Northern Island and is well-known for its icy, blue glow and seed...

<a href="" class="display-item">All-Fright's Goblet (Pillar)</a>

Category: Hoards

All-Fright's Goblet (Pillar)

Item art to be added. A replica goblet that is given out during Spirit's Stay. There are many varieties, but this one has a relatively simple design inspired by Central Shores architecture.

<a href="" class="display-item">All-Fright's Goblet (Petal)</a>

Category: Hoards

All-Fright's Goblet (Petal)

A replica goblet that is given out during Spirit's Stay. There are many varieties, but this one has petal-like carvings around the cup.

<a href="" class="display-item">Duckling Carnation</a>

Category: Hoards

Duckling Carnation

An exceptionally small and soft carnation that symbolizes friendship.

<a href="" class="display-item">Scrapbook</a>

Category: Hoards


Item art to be added. A small collection of memories collected in laminated pages.

<a href="" class="display-item">Lower Snake Mandible</a>

Category: Hoards

Lower Snake Mandible

Where did the rest of the skull go? More importantly, what kind of snake has a fang like that on its lower jaw?

<a href="" class="display-item">Prism Stone</a>

Category: Hoards

Prism Stone

This glass-like stone refracts opalescent rainbows within. They only appear after an aurora borealis lights up the skies.

<a href="" class="display-item">Dragon Horn Chip</a>

Category: Hoards

Dragon Horn Chip

A chip from a dragon's horn. It'll grow back... I think.

<a href="" class="display-item">Progress Flag</a>

Category: Hoards

Progress Flag

Don these colours with pride!

<a href="" class="display-item">Library Brooch</a>

Category: Hoards

Library Brooch

This amber-gold and sinister-purple brooch was given to you by the One Lost in the Currents. He claims that, with it, you'll always be able to find his library again. Now, wether or not you can find t...

<a href="" class="display-item">Bubbling Dust</a>

Category: Hoards

Bubbling Dust

This strange powder is the byproduct of translocation spells. The amount left behind depends on the size of the object teleported, where a stone tablet would only be a few dust particles and an entire...

<a href="" class="display-item">Lobster Mite Husk</a>

Category: Hoards

Lobster Mite Husk

A macabre reminder that there's not much you can do if you accidentally crush a Lobster Mite under your paw.

<a href="" class="display-item">Ticket Stub</a>

Category: Hoards

Ticket Stub

You were a bit surprised to enter the carnival and be given a minature stone tablet with "Admit One" written on it (Rainfall Festival fairs are free to enter, after all) but you won't turn down a free...

73 results found.