Submission (#164) Approved

4 October 2023, 18:16:22 CDT (9 months ago)
4 October 2023, 22:44:11 CDT (9 months ago) by AnimatedCritter


"...are you sure about this?"
Squander looked up to Jypjhē. Her face was creased with worry, her jaw working at nothing. Squander flashed her a wide grin. "Of course I am!" He proclaimed loudly. "There are going to be too many other 'loxes around. Nobody would be stupid enough to try anything. Besides," Squander nudged Jypjhē playfully. "You really need to get out of the house more."
Turning the corner, the two were met with a broad building, a seashell-shaped sign swinging in front. Pushing open the door to the tavern, they stepped through.
They were greeted by lively music, someone singing a tale, most likely of a spirit once dear to them. Despite the cheerful tune, the lyrics were gentle and longing, both invigorating and soothing. "Ah..." Jypjhē tilted her head. It reminded her of something...
"Squander-!" Jypjhē turned around, only to find the smaller aqualox wasn't there. Instead, he was already sitting at the bar. With a small squeak, Jypjhē raced towards him.
A pale pink aqualox stood at the bar, mane cascading down their back and shoulders. They hummed a soft tune to themselves, making their way towards the two and placing their front paws on the counter.
"G'day!" They said, flashing a cheery smile. "What can I get for you?"
Jypjhē was silent until she realized the aqualox was looking at her. "Oh, uhh..." Jypjhē had no problem drinking, but she feared the long walk home would make her ill. "Um... I'll just have- just have some, C...c...coconut... punch?" Her request came out sounding much more like a question, leaving her burning with embarrassment.
"And you?" The bartender turned to Squander. Coconuts, huh? Slamming his paw on the table, Squander looked up with a confident glint in his eye. "I'll have a coquito, thank you!"
"Huh..?" Jypjhē glanced at Sqander skeptically. "Isn't that- don't you not like alcohol...? You should have specified..!"
Squander scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Bah! I can handle a drink! And besides, even if I couldn't, the coconut cream will dampen the taste a little."
The aqualox soon returned, sliding the drinks over to the two. Jypjhē ran a paw over the ornate carvings, feeling every bump and ridge. Taking a small sip, she glanced over to Squander, who had cupped his goblet in his paws. Swiftly, the small 'lox brought the cup to his lips, taking a large drink.
The liquid smelled of rum, and burned Squander's tongue, dragging its cruel claws down his throat. Tears pricked in his eyes as he tried his hardest not to gag. His face scrunched up as he squeezed his eyes shut.
Jypjhē giggled, a smile splitting her face. "Here," she said, sliding her goblet towards him. "We can trade."
With a pout, Squander accepted the drink, his turn to be embarrassed.


Reward Amount
All-Fright's Goblet (Petal) 1
All-Fright's Goblet (Pillar) 1
Cheers! 1
Opals 23
2023 All-Fright's End: AQUA-106 (Raffle Ticket) 1

View Bonus Grading Breakdown >>


Number of Portraits: 2

Number of Fullbodies: 0

Number of Pets: 0

Simple Background or Complex Props Is Shaded


466 Words

Featured Character Count: 2

Number of Pets: 0


0 Opals were suggested as a bonus as an animation/craft.


Skill Amount

Stat & Level Rewards

User Rewards
10 user EXP
0 user points
Character Rewards
10 character EXP
1 character points

Bonus Rewards

User Rewards
No bonus user EXP
No bonus user points
Character Rewards
No bonus character EXP
No bonus character points


Thumbnail for AQUA-081: Jypjhē

AQUA-081: Jypjhē

Reward Amount
10 EXP
1 Stat Point
Thumbnail for AQUA-096: Squander

AQUA-096: Squander

Reward Amount
10 EXP
1 Stat Point


These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity

Dormiēbāsne's Bank

Currency Quantity