[Open] [Raffles] Mountain Sakura & Cavern Imp

Posted 2 weeks and 5 days ago :: Last edited 2 weeks and 5 days ago by AnimatedCritter
Raffle: POKE-185[Open]
Pokey SmokeNatural
Design: AnimatedCritter ・ Art: AnimatedCritter

Enter Here

Raffle: AQUA-186[Open]
Design: RamblingKitten ・ Art: RamblingKitten

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Two Designs are up for raffle this ether hunt!

POKE-185 by AnimatedCritter

Claim your free ticket on their raffle page! A few lukcy foragers may find bonus tickets while exploring the Sweetheart Summit.

AQUA-186 by RamblingKitten

A raffle ticket will be automatically granted for every holiday prompt you complete.

Be sure to complete your prompts and claim tickets before March 12th, as both raffles will be rolled sometime on March 13th.

Each user may only win one raffle. If a duplicate winner is rolled, they will be able to choose one of the two while the other is rerolled to another user.

Please notice that if an empty account with no activity (not online since registration, no prompt submissions, profile modification, daily claims, etc.) wins either raffle,  a new winner may be re-rolled.



Some who journey up the Sweetheart Summit find themselves next to a rotting cherry tree. Once a place this Pokey Smoke called home, they had to flee after a sickness took hold. This Pokey wishes to reunite with Otenere, where lands boil too hot for illness to fester, but she is no longer welcome after a choice she made a decade before.

Stark Location: Chest Lines, Tail Rings


This little impish 'lox seeks out thrills around every turn! Can you blame them after having spent so many years sealed away in a cavern under the Sweetheart Summit?

Soul Gem: Chest


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