
Although there are numerous villages from the Benthon terradin herd, the village along the Serville Creek is the largest and most well-known, albeit an infamous reputation for being the hometown of Lazourus the Dreaded.

The land is lush with greenery, teetering on the border of the Great Sycamore’s forest. A monsoon forest would not be an ideal home for terradins, in theory. At first glance, the area does seem desolate of Safiran infrastructure, but further inspection reveals dozens of wood doors and stone facings at the base of snags. The Benthon found a way to utilize the roots of these trees to support their half-burrow homes from muddy soil.

It is a ghost town, though, with the town residents long locked into their hibernation. The houses are decrepit and the training fields are overgrown. Years of leaf litter decayed along paved pathways, covering the meticulously carved stone with an inch of dark soil. Massive looming pillars made from hollowed out trees, with their bases reinforced by layers of decaying bark, spike into the canopy. Every inch of architecture and craft is coated with intricate carvings lacing through the entire material. Everything is aged and ivy-coated except the interior of the homes.

Looking through the windows of translucent bark embedded into locked doors, you can see the contents of each dwelling. The furnishing looks in pristine condition and the surfaces dusted and polished. You are left wondering what spell or Safiran has been maintaining the village, and why its only tending the insides of family homes, and not the gardens, roads, and exterior walls surrounding them.

In the middle of the village are shards of marble, which once served as the bone to a statue from long ago. Who or what the statue was representing can no longer be identified.