The Great Sycamore

The Great Sycamore is a massive tree that’s branches spiral into the sky and roots embellish the soil. Although supposedly once a magnificent sight, the Great Sycamore is no more than a skeleton of its former glory, darkened black to ash, but still refusing to crumble.

Many Safirans avoid the Great Sycamore and the region surrounding the tree for fear of spirits, ghouls, and other undead beasts. If the creatures of the afterlife do not frighten someone away, the terror of angering a god certainly will.

So the land remains untouched (save for the few heathenous daredevils once every few moons) and has become overgrown like a garden from heaven. The ash served as a powerful fertilizer for the current wildlife, leading to a dense, luxurious forest to grow around the tombstone of the Great Sycamore.

It is this land, beyond the unspoken border of the living and the dead, that serves as a vacation destination for numerous groups.

The humidity is high between the kusum and the sandalwood, which many bugs and amphibians relish in. City slickers with a distaste for the creepy and crawly much prefer observing the surrounding land from a distance, but some still wander into the wood, allured by the hornbills and sloths throughout the trees. Those who’ve grown up in the Midland Marshes often joke that the forests are like the marsh, but is a far easier-traveled hike.