Ether Hunt | For Love and Glory
In Ether Hunt ・
By golden-boy
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Rorqual had wanted to climb up to the peak of Sweetheart Summit for fun, not really to be given any special prize or title or anything like that. He didn't expect to be the first one up, and he barely believed he would get up there at all- but it seemed that the climb was not as mean to him as he would have originally expected, that was until he met with something that wasn't a plant or a beast. Well, beast was subjective, he supposed, but the aqualox he saw on the mountain's path was definitely not something that looked dangerous. "Hello, fellow hiker!" Rorqual called out, the other aqualox turning his head over with a snap and a few steps backwards, shivering. "D-Don't come any closer!" He yelped, and every step Rorqual took forwards, the other aqualox took three steps farther away. "Hey, it's okay! I'm not going to hurt you or anything..." The larger creature offered, hoping that it would comfort the other lox. It didn't. "That's not- just keep your distance, alright?" Though he was certainly concerned, he wasn't going to invade the other's space any more than he already had. "Okay, I'm sorry for giving you a fright, friend. I just didn't expect to see anyone until I was further up the mountain! Are you doing the Sweetheart Summit race as well?"
The smaller aqualox seemed to shrink at those words. "Has that started? Already?" He asked, and Rorqual had thought to get closer to comfort the obviously distressed individual, but then he had remembered to keep his distance. "Oh no, so many others will be up here! What if I don't see them get close? Ohhh someone could get really hurt! I thought it'd be safe up here, but of course I choose the wrong mountain at the wrong time!" He fussed around for a bit more, looking down the mountain and no doubt seeing more racers finding their way up assorted paths and climbing spaces. "Is... that a bad thing? What's going on?" Rorqual asked, clearly concerned and perhaps a little bit scared. Whatever this aqualox was so worried about, it had to be pretty bad if he was panicking so much. "I... If people get near me, they get really... really hurt. I don't want to hurt anybody, but I can't go back down the mountain now that others are starting to climb up! I no doubt will run into somebody!" It was vague, but Rorqual could make up some idea of what was happening. No solid details or anything of the like, but it wouldn't have been the first time he had seen someone who was dangerous to be around naturally- mostly pups, hatchlings were dangerous- for an adult aqualox to have that power...the idea of it was a bit far-fetched... and yet not impossible. "Well, we can climb up! I'm sure there'll be a place up there that nobody in their right minds would wander off to! Most who actually want to survive the trek up take the pathways and clear climbing spaces, so if we find a place off the path safe enough for you, nobody will catch you off guard or even find you!"
"Yes... Yes that's very smart! I'll definitely try that out, uh..." He paused, and the larger of the two made a small noise upon realizing what word they were missing. "Oh! Rorqual, my name is Rorqual." The other aqualox smiled. "Rorqual. Thank you very much." With that, they were off, running up the pathway and leaving Rorqual to start his trek again.
Rorqual didn't see that aqualox again until he was much farther up the mountain, having gone through a lot more than before, and unable to help but be a bit tired. It seemed that as soon as that mysterious individual had left, the wildlife had become more aggressive, though for some reason the dots still weren't connecting in Rorqual's head. Instead, once things had calmed down yet again, he laid down and took a break. It wouldn't do him any good to try to continue the trip without recharging a little bit. After all, just getting up the mountain was his goal, not getting there first, and if he overworked himself, he might not get up there at all.
His nap was interrupted by shuffling leaves, and a concerned voice coming from them as soon as they came out to find Rorqual on the ground. "Rorqual!? How long have you been here, are you okay? You look-" "Sleepy?" Rorqual laughed, recognizing the voice from before. "I am a little sleepy, but I'm fine... you know, I never caught your name..." He could tell he was much closer to the other this time, and seemed to become more tired the longer he stayed near them- nothing intense, but it was certainly noticable enough. "Ah- I'm Aegis, but that's not important!" The aqualox, Aegis, backed up from Rorqual until he was almost on the path again, grumbling to himself. "Aegis... that's a nice name." Rorqual mused, loud enough for Aegis to hear it seemed, as the smaller lox flushed a little and coughed. He wasn't used to compliments, just like he wasn't used to others being around him- for good reason. "You're deliriously tired, you should rest... I'll... keep an eye out for you." Rorqual giggled. "Aww, we've only just exchanged names and you're already protecting me!" Another grumbled noise. "It's just because you happened to be here! Between you running into me and who knows what you were through before coming here, you need the rest!" Rorqual looked at Aegis through the foliage, noting how some of the leaves looked far more dead than they should for this part of the season, but he didn't focus on it too much. "Alright, I'll stop being mean and take a nap... Thank you, Aegis."
Aegis was there when Rorqual started to wake up, the sound of pawsteps recognizable as he started to come to. And yet, once his eyes actually opened, they were gone, instead a small letter folded up into a paper plane was laying next to them. He picked up the letter, and decided to use it as something to wake him up properly as he started his way on the path again. And from what was written on the sheet, it didn't take long for Rorqual to snap back from dream to reality.
I apologize for what happened, and for how snappy I was with you. I'm glad you're alright. I haven't talked to someone in a long time because of... what is wrong with me. Seeing as you have trusted me to watch over you while you sleep, I can give such trust in return. I... cannot stop absorbing the world, something happened when I was young and I never truly stopped destroying things around me. It's why I was so scared of others climbing the mountain. I was terrified of hurting someone else during what is supposed to be an exciting race.
If this doesn't frighten you away from me, I still believe that we can be... friends. We would have to communicate through letters, but it is better than nothing. If you would accept, after you complete your journey to the peak, I would like a letter- You can most likely leave it in the bushes where you fell asleep, I will find it.
Rorqual didn't stop moving, but in his mind he paused. So it was possible, and it was true. He had thought about it only as an overexaggeration but... Aegis really was as dangerous as a pup. And still, despite that he had been so nice, had protected Rorqual as best he could despite being so dangerous himself. The real danger he had encountered on the climb wasn't a plant or a beast, but another Aqualox that could have killed him completely on accident... But he didn't let that ruin his mood, didn't let that taint his experience. Ether Hunt was about surviving through hardships of all kinds in a way, defeating beasts, proving yourself against opposition. Would be fitting for him to reach the top and then proceed to fight a curse's effect of loneliness on someone who didn't deserve that pain. He nodded to himself, reassured in his goal.
He was going to reach the peak of Sweetheart Summit, and he was going to write that letter.
In Which Rorqual meets a cute boy but whoops!! He's cursed.
Submitted By golden-boy
for For Love and Glory
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Submitted: 2 years and 1 week ago ・
Last Updated: 2 years and 1 week ago
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