Lost in the Woods!
Aris got lost while parading through a particularly thick patch of woods, and ended up getting lost after investigating a weird noise he heard in the trees. He's trying to retrace his steps and remember any landmarks he passed by by drawing a map in the mud, so he can at least get back to a town before it becomes too dark! Hopefully then, he can meet up with his group and his many pets again .
Submitted By DandelionSprings
for Strayed from the Path
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Submitted: 8 months and 1 week ago ・
Last Updated: 8 months and 1 week ago
AnimatedCritter Staff Member She/They
Ah! I can't get over Aris' little map, and I adore his expression!
2024-04-16 21:02:03
Feature Comment
:D Thank you!!
2024-04-28 00:07:28
Feature Comment