Head over Heels | Molt in Denial
"Impossible!" Molt roared out, scaring the younger lox next to him. "Uh, what is?" Aegis questioned, and it didn't take long until he got an answer.
"I'm Ill! I can't possibly get sick after years of living under the earth, but there's no other explanation! My heart is racing, my mind is clouded by thoughts of this... strange little man I spend time with. My legs are unable to hold up my body weight, and my face feels warm! After all my years, I never thought anything would feel warm ever again!"
Molt stopped for a moment when he heard the small giggling that came from Aegis. "What are you laughing about, boy?" He growled, but for once the gray aqualox didn't seem intimidated by it. "It's just... I never thought I'd see someone so confused by the feeling of love before. You've got a crush, Molt."
"A crush!? Absolutely not! I do not get crushes, that is not something a lox of my age experiences!" Aegis just rolled his eyes, smiling softly. "Alright, whatever you say."
Molt could not have a crush. It would be impossible, it would be madness!
It would be...Incredibly Embarrassing...
Submitted By golden-boy
for Head Over Heels
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Submitted: 11 months and 2 weeks ago ・
Last Updated: 11 months and 2 weeks ago