AQUA-144: Sienna
No additional notes given.
Click on the tabs above to view designer-made terms.
Please notice that user-made terms are non-binding, unless you have provided an electronic signature to the designer in question. You are responsible for obtaining and recording the version of the terms you agreed to.
AcuteExposure's Terms
as of 2024-01-20 14:56:41I have no TOS/design terms. You may use, retrade, regift, and resell my designs however you see fit.
If you use my designs for offensive or hateful content, I will block you, but it is out of my control if you obtain designs secondhand.
Notice: user-made terms are non-binding, unless you have provided an electronic signature to the designer in question. You are responsible for obtaining and recording the version of the terms you agreed to.
Can be gifted Can be traded Can be sold