This prompt has ended, and is no longer accepting submissions.

Beyond the Door

Seasonal || Draw or write about a Safiran exploring an abandoned house along the Siegeworth beck.
Beyond the Door

Something is amiss as you wander the streets of Siegeworth. In the distance, barely a speck among the richly forested mountainside, a house peeks out from between smoke trees. You mention it to one of the shopkeepers, but they don't seem to see it. Nor do any of the other Siegeworth residents.

Curiosity gets the best of your chosen Safiran, and they find themselves hiking up a decrepit path no map depicts. The waters of the beck beside your Safiran turn to silver and gold with the mica and minerals resting on the riverbed. Luscious ferns, delicate as duck down, unfurl in the crisp spring air. It's good that Siegeworth's forests are calm since it will be several miles to reach the home. Your chosen Safiran returns their gaze to the mysterious house when they suddenly stand upon the doorstep, no more than two minutes into the hike.

The mansion looms before them, blocking the sun, but no shadow is cast. The architecture twists and turns, never staying the same shape. One moment it's a humble white-walled cottage, the next an intimidating castle made of solid silverstone, another breath and it's sculpted into a clay hutch with a grass roof. The only thing that stays the same throughout is the heavy mahogany door with a round, golden handle. What awaits your chosen Safiran on the other side?

Submission Window
Ends: 19 June 2024, 23:59:59 CDT (7 months ago)

Additional Opals may be rewarded based on the submission's refinement.

User Rewards
10 User EXP
0 User Points
Character Rewards
10 Character EXP
1 Stat Points
Character Skills

No skill increase.


Art submissions must be of at least a fullbody with a background.

Writing submissions must be at least 750 words.

Some effort must be shown, although submissions don't always have to be your best work.

Be aware of the submission window. It's suggested that you plan for at least one (1) hour before the prompt's end time to allow for troubleshooting.