Parched Rainforest

Legacy Prompts || What does your Safiran do when a dust storm comes crashing towards them?
Parched Rainforest

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Upon choosing the Bone Carving, the Bellji ushered you to follow. You let them take the lead, walking you in what felt like circles, but then the forest began to decay around you. After an hour of endless walking, you suddenly realize that you're in a rainforest no longer, but have somehow ended up in a lifeless desert. A strange line of stones lay in front of you and the Bellji, when suddenly something sparks in the horizon. A cloud of dust and debris erupts from the earth, sending a massive sandstorm rumbling your way.

What do you choose to do?

  • Attempt to hold your ground against the storm.
  • Try to flee and take shelter from the storm's path.
Submission Window

Allows Unlimited Submissions


Additional Opals may be rewarded based on the submission's refinement.

User Rewards
10 User EXP
0 User Points
Character Rewards
10 Character EXP
1 Stat Points
Character Skills

No skill increase.


This prompt has been archived as a legacy prompt. It may still be completed, but has modified rewards and will have no effect on the story.

Art submissions must be at least a portrait view with a simple background.

Writing submissions must be at least 500 words.

Some effort must be shown, although submissions don't always have to be your best work.

Be aware of the submission window. It's suggested that you plan for at least one (1) hour before the prompt's end time to allow for troubleshooting.