This prompt has ended, and is no longer accepting submissions.

Slash and Burn

Here Be Dragons || What does your Safiran do to help douse a blazing field?
Slash and Burn

A flock of Firestarter Swallows descended upon a farmer's crops. The famished creatures are tearing through the vegetation, leaving a trail of blistering flames in their wake. What does your Safiran do to help douse the flames? Are they chasing after the swallows, or maybe they're pouring water and kicking soil onto the blaze, or have they already given up and are now running to save what crops remain?

Submission Window
Ends: 31 August 2023, 23:59:59 CDT (10 months ago)

Additional Opals may be rewarded based on the submission's refinement.

User Rewards
10 User EXP
0 User Points
Character Rewards
10 Character EXP
1 Stat Points
Character Skills

No skill increase.


Art submissions must be at least a coloured portrait with an abstract background.

Writing submissions must be at least 350 words.

Some effort must be shown, although submissions don't always have to be your best work.

Be aware of the submission window. It's suggested that you plan for at least one (1) hour before the prompt's end time to allow for troubleshooting.