Personalize Your Account


Upload an Avatar

Visit your user settings (Your Username > Settings), and locate the "Avatar" section.

Here, you can click on the "Choose File" button to locate the desired image from your device. (JPEG, PNG, and GIF file types are all permited, although we recommend users use a 200x200 pixel image.) Due to the nature of some devices, the "Choose File" button may not be visible, but you are still able to click on the box empty next to the "Submit" button to access the image selection menu.

Once you are happy with the selected image, click "Submit" to upload your icon. If you do not see an updated image, despite receiving the "avatar uploaded successfully" message, you may need to hard refresh your browser.


Customize your profile

Visit your user settings (Your Username > Settings), and locate the "Profile" section.

Here, you can type your preferred pronouns, which will be displayed in various places across the website. This field may be left blank and updated at any time.

Beneath the pronouns field, you will find your profile text area. You may use the rich text editor provided, or click on the <> icon to manually type in HTML and inline CSS code. also offers Bootstrap 4 class styling, for those who wish to use them.

Once you are happy with both fields, save your work by clicking on the "Edit" button.


Upload Design TOS

If you have personal design terms of service, you may upload them through user settings (Your Username > Settings). These terms will appear underneath every masterlist entry for Safirans designed by you.

You may upload an external URL to your terms or publish them directly on-site using the rich text editor provided. If you're using the provided text editor, you may click on the <> icon to manually type in HTML and inline CSS code. also offers Bootstrap 4 class styling, for those who wish to use them.

Once you are happy with your content, save your work by clicking on the "Edit" button. If you would like to alert your design's owners of your changes, you may toggle the notify owners button before submitting to send out a notifcation directly to all user's accounts.

Please notice that's terms take precidence over personal terms, and users are not bound to your design terms unless you have collected a digital signature from the user in question. You are responsible for obtaining and recording the version of the terms you agreed to.