Creating a Pokey Smoke

Additional image resources are to be added soon!

 Design Checklist

An optional checklist if you're submitting a Pokey Smoke design, new or old, to the Masterlist! This is the exact checklist mods use for design approval, so if the submitted image is missing one or more of these traits, edits will be requested. This is only for Masterlist images; prompt art does not need to follow this checklist.

  • Silhouette

    • Short Stature
    • Cloak of Quills
    • Long, Fluffy Tail
  • Face

    • Large Eyes
    • Rabbit or Button Nose
    • Tall, Pointed Ears
  • Other

    • At Least 1 of the Following Stark:
      • Tear Streaks / Malar Stripes
      • Chest Lines
      • Tail Rings


  • A cloak of quills running from at least the shoulder to the flank.
    • There is no maximum to quill placement.
  • Can present itself as northern porcupine, crested porcupine, or hedgehog spines.
  • Long, fluffy tails that can be any length, but no shorter than a Pokey's hind leg.
Short Legs / Short Body
  • Pokey Smokes are short and stocky. Think of porcupines, hedgehogs, or ringtails for this body type.


Tall Ears
  • Pokey Smokes have tall ears, although they don't tend to grow as large as an aqualox's and are more slender.
  • Tufts are often present.
Large Eyes
  • Pokey Smokes have large eyes to see at night.
Nose & Mouths
  • Pokey Smokes have small, button noses akin to that of a ringtail, although rabbit noses are occasionally seen.
  • Pokey Smokes have an omnivore dental structure for munching on fruits and small insects.


What are they?

Stark are a set of markings all Pokey Smokes have in at least 1 of 3 places. The contrast of these Stark against the rest of a Pokey Smoke's body determines their magical prowess.

Stark Locations
  • Tear Streaks / Malar Stripes
    • Lines that always run from the corner of the eye to the corner of the mouth.
  • Chest Lines
    • Lines that start at the base of a cloak.
    • Often ends partway through the chest, but can connect in a ring / necklace shape.
  • Tail Rings
    • At least two rings on the tail. A stripe must circle around 50% of the tail to constitute as a ring. 
Stark Patterns

Stark must follow the pattern guidelines above. Notice that Stark do not need to be symmetrical, nor do the markings need to be solid (although if composing a Stark's line of shapes, they must be close enough together to create the illusion of a line).


Can I add additional appendages? 

Potentially! Things seen in arboreal mammals, such as opposable thumbs and patagium, are completely fine. Traits such as wings, centaur extensions, or horse hooves would not be accepted.

What patterns can my Pokey Smoke have?

Pokey pelts and quills can be any colour and present themselves as any type of pattern, so long as Stark are present in at least 1 of the 3 areas. Additionally, all patterns must adhere to Safira Island's Submission Guidelines.

What colour can Stark be?

Stark can be any colour and any brightness, so long as they are relatively visible. Patterns must follow Stark guidelines, as described above.