Aqualox Lore (Deep Dive)

Important note! This is a lore page, solely for flavour text. For a quick summary/creation guide, please visit our Creating an Aqualox page.

Aqualoxes are the primary inhabitant of Safira Island. Their size varies greatly from species to species, but they typically range from 30 to 53 centimeters tall at the shoulder (12 to 21 inches) and weigh approximately 20 to 43 kilograms (46 to 95 pounds). Aqualoxes’ are heavier than most animals their size due to their manes being made out of water, where a two foot long mane weighs roughly fifteen kilograms (thirty pounds).

These aquatic creatures can be found in nearly any body of water on Safira, living under the waves in expansive cities, although it’s not uncommon to find one of their towns on the shores. Aqualoxes value their wealth-sorted hierarchy, which stems from their instinctual desire to steal all-things shiny. Because this desire is so strong and difficult to overcome, there is no system of punishment for theft in an aqualox society; in fact, it’s almost expected that possessions will be stolen.

This system makes the culture of Safira unique to others. Shopkeepers are known to be some of the most powerful or wealthiest of their people as to ward off thieves or hire help to guard; currencies are marked with special pearls that bond themselves to their owners (where a ritual must occur to transfer the coins’ ownership); funerals are unheard of, as graves must be unmarked and well hidden from robbers; and it may take several weeks before news of death is shared.

Anatomy Breakdown

Aqualoxes' most defining trait are their manes. All aqualoxes' manes are made up of water that the creature is able to control. Manes can be any length up to two meters (six feet), although there have been fables of aqualoxes who could extend their mane up to six meters (twenty feet)! Manes are important for loxes, as they prevent dehydration while spending time on dry land.


Although it's not as prominent as their manes, all aqualoxes have gemstones, otherwise known as soul gems. Soul gems, as the name implies, hold the lifeforce of an aqualox. Each aqualox is born with one soul gem and (almost) always only has that singular one. It’s a common practice for loxes to adorn themselves with even more stones to flaunt their wealth and hide which is actually their soul gem. If a soul gem is stolen, the lox turns savage until they lose all their energy and die. Because of this, soul gems are immensely valuable, not just to it’s aqualox owner, but also on the black market. Twisted Safirans will buy soul gems simply as a luxury product or (if said Safiran is an aqualox themselves) to increase their own lifeforce.

As for the species’ build, the genus is classified by short legs, elongated bodies, and carnivorous teeth. They also have tall ears that are unable to turn forward, a flat face with a lower placed mouth, large whiskers, and any type of aquatic tail. These traits are all to optimize opportunistic hunting, as an aqualox’s diet consists primarily of seafood ( such as fish, rays, shrimp, or even whales and shellfish if the lox is strong enough).